The Story of Caroline

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The Story of Caroline

Post by Karik »

Caroline - Part One

I knew when I crossed over into the park that something was wrong. I could smell fear. Raw absolute terror and it made my senses more alert. Although I usually stay away from mortals and their problems, something told me to follow the scent. I heard heavy breathing and footsteps. Someone was someone was being chased. There was more than one doing the chasing. I was too far away to tell if they were male or female. But someone was going to die if the footsteps stopped.

I quickened my pace when I realized they were moving away from me. My intuition is usually strong and I felt the need to intervene. I caught the hint of a voice speaking as I moved closer, one was definitely male. As I caught up to their scent again I heard a girl's name being called out. She was being taunted by her pursuers. They were letting her get a little ahead and then closing again to frighten her more. She was being very quiet, but her running alone was enough for them to keep track of where she was. If she would stop and hide she would have a better chance of escaping them. I could sense two males and they were flying high on something. I can always tell when they are drugged and stay clear of them. The effect is unpleasant to say the least to take of their blood. I have learned what can harm me in my short time of being vampire. Most of it I learned the hard way. Not having a teacher to help me I found I can not die but I can be sick enough to wish I could.

I don't know why I felt the need to intervene here. My strong instincts made me move toward the sounds. I went to where the guys were moving. They were very surprised to see a woman come upon them. It isn't usual for a lady to walk through the park at night, much less make her presence known. The look of surprise would have made me laugh had I not known their intentions with the young lady. It made me angry to know they meant to harm her. I stood in front of them when they stopped and noticed me. They were very macho and brave on their drug they had taken. The fact that there were two of them, two much bigger than I, also helped them be aggressive. The taller of the two seemed to be the one in control of the situation so it didn't surprise me that he spoke.

" What is your ******* problem, lady? You looking for some fun too? I think we can arrange to accommodate you after we have caught our little friend. Might be fun to have you both at the same time. What do you think Mel? Think our friend would mind if we brought the lady along? "

He laughed as he looked over at his friend. Mel didn't seem to be near as sure of the whole situation as his loud friend. I decided I didn't like either one and the fun was now going to be mine.

"Why don't you try just me if you think you're man enough. Why do you need two of us? You couldn't handle me, why embarrass yourself in front of two of us. You're so high you probably couldn't even get it up much less get the job done."

The look on his face was so classic. These creeps never expect anyone to stand up to them, especially a woman. I saw the rage build and his face grew flushed from it. His friend just stood there unable to speak, his mouth hanging open.

I knew he would not be a problem to handle and I knew the anger in his big mouth would make him stupid. He would make moves and decisions based on his rage and he would be fun. I listened for the girl running and her footsteps had stopped. I wanted her to keep running but couldn't shout to her for fear of bringing her in danger again. She needed to get away from here and leave these two worthless jerks to me.

The one with the big mouth took a knife out of his jacket. He was so angry now the drug was making his heart beat at a tremendous rate. It sounded like thunder to my ears. I wanted him to feel the same fear he caused the girl to feel and in a few minutes he would. It made the wait almost sweet. Mel cautioned his friend and got a very cordial 'shut the **** up' for his trouble. I wished the girl was still running. I could sense her still in the park.

"Come on lady, let's dance. Just you and me. I'll cut you and then I'll **** you while your blood runs out onto the ground around you. We'll see if you have anymore comments to make after that. Come on."

He started to circle around me and it was all I could do not to laugh. I looked at Mel and decided he wasn't a threat. He was scared to death drug or no drug. I turned and followed the knife as it circled me and waited for him to make his move. I could sense the girl closer. What the hell was she doing coming back. I tried to tell her to run in my mind but I didn't get any response. I wanted her away! I watched the big mouth and had a slight smile on my face, knowing it would infuriate him more that I felt no fear of him. He continued his bad talk and his circling until he was back by Mel again.

"Well big man, you gonna play with that toy all day or actually try to use it? " I was having fun with this one. He was furious now. His buddy was warning him, "This ***** sounds nuts man, let's get outta here." Mel seemed to have a little brains after all. A lot more than his friend. I finally learned his name when Mel said. "Come on Justin, let's get the hell outta here!" Justin turned to Mel and flashed the knife across his face, "You go ahead and run man, this ***** is mine. Whether you stay or not to enjoy the show is up to you." When he turned back to me I knew he had made up his mind to kill me. That was the look I waited for, now I could make my move. He looked at me and the drug induced sense of superior strength he felt was going to make this almost too easy.

I was getting glimpses of the girl in my head, distracting me. I saw her hiding and couldn't understand why she came back. I saw her face, saw pain there, and saw unbearable loneliness. It made me more angry to know these jerks were going to hurt her and not give it a second thought. Justin would now feel the same fear. He took a step towards me with his knife in front of him and never saw my hands move. I took the knife and jerked his arm hard enough to dislocate it before he even got a sound out of his sorry mouth. He screamed when the pain finally registered into his drug clouded brain and he fell to his knees. This unrooted Mel who tried to bolt past me but I grabbed his neck and twisted before he took two steps. He was dead before he hit the ground. Justin would wish I'd be so quick. I didn't want the girl to watch but knew she was there. I looked into the direction I felt her hiding, though I saw no sign of her, I knew she was there watching. I sent her 'this is for your fear' but I didn't know if she got it or not. Usually if someone can 'hear ' me I get a small gasp or a beat in my head that tells me they did. I didn't get anything from her. I looked back at Justin and reached down and lifted him to his feet. "Well big man, you still wanna cut me? Still wanna **** me? I don't think you'll be doing much of either. " With that I lifted him easily off the ground and grabbed between his legs and squeezed. When I touched him I felt the others he had hurt and terrified. I knew he'd pass out before I was finished but it was enough to hear him scream, to know he would never hurt anyone else. When I felt his balls pop in my hand he was already out cold. I snapped his neck and threw him away from me. I wish I could have made it more painful for him.

I turned toward the girl and waited to see if she would come out. I told her in her mind I was no threat to her so she wouldn't be afraid of me. I was still getting glimpses of her in my mind and I felt such sorrow at the loneliness I felt. I wished she would come out of her hiding place. I was afraid to move toward her for fear she would bolt. I could easily catch her but wanted her to come to me on her own. Unafraid.

I looked down and started to walk away.Then I saw her move away from the trees she had been hiding behind. I stopped, waiting to see if she would run. When she only stood there looking at me, I reached out my hand to her, willing her to trust me. She seemed to have no trust left in her. For good reason from what I had felt. I saw her mother's abandonment of her and the cruelty she suffered at the hand of her drunken father. She had run away but had landed in a worse sewer than she left. The men who used her now had made her sick with their sex. She didn't know she was dying, but I felt the sickness in her blood. It made me sadder than all the other images, to know she would suffer more before her life was taken from her. She took a couple of tentative steps toward me but stopped again. I wanted to take her and make her well. I didn't know if I could. I had never let myself approach anyone I felt such sicknes in. It was so strong. It gave off a scent unlike any other disease I had ever felt.

"Please come to me Caroline, I am no threat to you." I whispered to her. She took a step back when she heard me speak but at hearing her name spoken she finally started towards me again. When she was close enough for me to really see her, I was looking at a teenager, no more than sixteen or seventeen. She had suffered too much for such a short life. If I couldn't help her I would end her life quickly and painlessly. She had suffered so much in her life; I wasn't going to let her death also make her suffer.

She spoke barely above a whisper, "I saw you lift him and throw him from you like he weighed nothing. I felt his weight on me, he was almost twice your size. How did you do that? Why did you do that? "

I smiled at hearing her voice and answered her. " I felt your fear when I came into the park tonight. I don't usually bother with mortals much. They generally sicken me, but tonight I followed my instincts to you. I am not sure why yet. I felt you like you were calling out to me. Walk with me away from this evil place." When I reached out my hand she took it in hers and we began to walk.

I told her who I was, or rather what I was. She had seen all shades of hell in her short life and didn't seem surprised or afraid of what I told her. The demons that haunted her were too real for her to question my story. I told her my age, that seemed to be the only time she wanted to question me. She stopped, but then she started walking again. She only asked me one question as we walked. "But why trouble yourself with me?" I had no answer for her yet.

-I had an imaginary playmate who bullied me constantly until I shoved him into the lake and held his head under. When the bubbles stopped I felt immensely relieved. The bastard had been making my life hell for years.
Posts: 1050
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Re: The Story of Caroline

Post by Karik »

Caroline - Part Two

We walked out of the park until we reached downtown. She told me where she stayed and so we headed in that direction.

I needed to tell her of her sickness. How do you tell someone they are already dead, their body just hasn't figured it out yet. I wanted to help her, but also had to tell her I didn't know if I could. "Caroline, I have seen images of your life in my mind. I felt your loneliness and your pain. I want to help you to not be lonely or afraid anymore. I too have been alone for many, many years. The man that changed me left me alone. He didn't stay and teach me, or help me learn how to take care of myself. I have been alone for more then twenty years now and I have learned everything the hard way. I have not met any others like me, nor have I wanted to change anyone to be like me, until now. I feel a sickness in you, Caroline. One that will take your life. I don't want to be alone anymore and I want to offer to make you well. I am not sure I can succeed. If you want to let me try I will. But I have to be honest and tell you I am not sure of the outcome. I cannot drink from you and then let you take my blood as I was changed. But I can drain your blood from you, then let you drink from me. " I paused awhile and let my words sink in before I went on. She seemed to be very calm. I didn't know if that was a good sign or not. I was trying to read her thoughts, but could not. I got glimpses of things, but could not read what she was thinking at that moment.

"How did you know I was sick? How could you know that? I haven't known for very long and I told no one." She had stopped walking and was looking at me.

I was surprised that she was aware of her illness. She knew she had the HIV virus yet she still let men pick her up each night. I must have looked surprised because she answered me before I could even ask her why.

"Men have hurt me all my life. Why should I care if I make them sick? Does that shock you? Does it make you look at me different? I have never had a man ever treat me with respect or touch me without hurting. I hate men. All men." She turned away then and started to walk again.

"I have seen some of your life, Caroline. I was just surprised that you knew. I am certainly not one to judge you. If you want to come with me, become like me, no man will ever hurt you again." I had said enough and she now needed to decide.

"If you change me and it works, will I live forever and never die?" she asked me very quietly.

"I have lived for more than twenty years and not changed at all in that much time. When Martin changed me his only words were 'welcome to eternity'. He then laughed and went away. So I can only answer I think so."

She thought for a long time and when she looked at my face again I knew she had made up her mind.

"I have never been able to defend myself against the creeps that have hurt me. I would like to know I could take care of myself, to know that no one would ever hurt me again. I am dying already... what have I got to lose? If it doesn't work, I want you to promise me something." She looked into my eyes then and all I did was nod to her. We both knew what she meant. I would end it painlessly for her. She would not even know she was gone until she opened her eyes and saw God. If indeed there was a God up there, he would have to grant her peace after the life she had lived.
I told her it could be done whenever she was ready. She could go and say good-bye to anyone she would miss, or pick up anything she wanted to get. It made my heart ache for her to shake her head no.

We changed directions and headed off to where I stayed.

When we arrived I took her in and helped her clean up.The creeps had torn her clothing and got her pretty scraped up in the park. She found some of my things to wear while I made her something to drink. I added a little something to help her sleep. I didn't want the next few hours to be any more traumatic for her than they had to be. When she came out and sat down, I told her what I would do and she said she was ready.

I took her into the bathtub. I thought it would be the easiest place to let her blood drain. We got a pillow and made her comfortable. I sat with her and talked while I waited for the drug to take effect. She told me more of her life, making me all the more sure this was the right thing. I don't know why I had been drawn to her but I was going to try to make her well. I wanted her to be strong so she would never have to put up with pimps or creeps again ever.

When she closed her eyes and didn't open them, I cut her jugular. Just a small cut enough to let the blood flow. Then I waited. I held her wrist in my hand and felt her pulse slowing. When it had almost stopped, I cut my finger and touched the wound on her neck, closing it without a mark. I cut my wrist and placed it over her mouth. She didn't respond right away and I willed her to drink. 'Drink Caroline.Take my gift I am offering you. Don't let the sweet blackness take you away from me.' She finally started sucking on my wrist and I let her drink till I felt faint. When I made her stop she closed her eyes. She slept for a long time, a fitful, restless sleep. It was hours before she opened her eyes. When she did she was very pale. She could not talk, but she smiled at me. I let her drink again from me. When she slept this time it seemed to be a restful sleep. She woke with a fire in her eyes she didn't have before. I needed to drink from her. I could no longer sense the sickness in her, but I had to be sure. If I drank from her and didn't become ill then we would know. She lifted her wrist to me, reading my thoughts. I closed my eyes, and placed her wrist to my lips and bit. Her blood was so sweet, even if it was mostly mine. I had never had a vampires blood before. It was richer and much more satisfying than any mortal I had ever drank. I only drank enough to feel the warmth flow into my belly. I cut my finger, running my blood across her wrist. In time, when she was stronger her body would do that on it's own. Then we sat together and waited.

After watching the moon make its way across the night sky and down over the horizon, we slept. Both of us weak, but knowing we would never again be alone.

Penned by Jasrin Duvalia ... brary.html

-I had an imaginary playmate who bullied me constantly until I shoved him into the lake and held his head under. When the bubbles stopped I felt immensely relieved. The bastard had been making my life hell for years.
Posts: 1050
Joined: Sat Mar 01, 2003 1:17 am
Location: Michigan

Re: The Story of Caroline

Post by Karik »

Caroline Awakens - Part One

When I opened my eyes, it was as if I had opened them for the first time. I looked up and saw Justine looking down at me. She had such a look of concern on her face, I tried to say something to her but could only smile. She fed me and allowed me to sleep again.

Upon opening them the second time, I felt stronger. I knew I was no longer a mortal. I felt every nerve in my body, every layer of skin. I looked around and it was if I was seeing things for the first time. The colors were intense, all the detail more defined. I was a little overwhelmed at first. I looked over at Justine and knew her thoughts. It was as if we were connected in mind. I read her words just as if she were speaking out loud. I raised my wrist to her so she could drink from me. If she drank from me and didn't become ill then we would both know I was well. I felt well. I felt alive for the first time in my life.

When she placed her mouth to my wrist and drank it was almost sensual. She was very gentle but I could feel my blood going into her. When she had drank enough to be sure, we laid together and waited. We watched the moon move across the sky. We talked very little. There was nothing really to say. Not yet. When we knew for sure, then there would be questions. Until I knew, they were of no importance. I felt my body grow weak as the time slowly passed. This hunger I felt was unlike anything I had ever felt before. When I had left home, I had gone days without much to eat. I know what it is like to be hungry, but this was something I had never experienced. I felt my blood burning as it flowed through my veins.

When the moon disappeared over the horizon we both slept. She knew we would have to feed when we woke. She was weak from giving me so much of her blood, but she was still so much stronger than I. When we woke again she went out to bring someone to me. I was very weak by then, the hunger all consuming. I thought of nothing but feeding. I had to feed. She was only gone a short time but it felt like forever to me. I felt my blood as it flowed and it was like liquid fire running through me.

I knew when she entered she had already fed from him.She had color in her face and she looked stronger. He was somewhat disoriented from her bite so it was not hard to lay him beside me. She helped me find the right place to bite and I quickly bit into his soft skin. There are no words to describe what it was like. Feeling his life's blood flowing into me. Cooling the burning in my blood. It was beyond anything I had ever experienced, pleasure or pain. Justine let me drink till I was satisfied. She had drank from him also and knew he would not leave this place. She waited untill I fell away from him, before she reached down and lifted his lifeless body from me. I felt almost drunk from the intense pleasure of having my blood so alive. It was a living thing all to itself. It flowed through me and I felt it reach every inch of my skin. No longer burning, but soothing and warm like a lovers touch.

I don't know how long I slept then. When I opened my eyes again it was still night. I heard Justine moving around the room, and when she saw I was awake she came to me. Now it was time to talk.

"You look so strong now. Unlike the frightened child I found in the park two days ago." She was smiling down at me as she talked.

"I feel strong, Justine. I have never felt strong before. Never in my life have I felt strong. It's nice." I couldn't help but smile.

" You are a newborn now in a sense, it will be a while before you feel the strength all the time. When you feed you will be your strongest. I can go a couple of days without feeding and still make it ok. You on the other hand will need frequent feeding just like a baby would. Not as much as I just let you drink, but more often. I don't usually drink until death occurs. It is too risky to leave drained dead bodies around. I drink enough to satisfy me, then I leave them to wake up and wonder what happened. They feel hung over and weak, but nothing more. It is safer, unless you wander and never stay in one place. I tried that for awhile, but grew tired of it and wanted a place to come to. We will need to leave this place now that you are stronger. There are people here who will know both you and the bodies found in the park so it is no longer safe for us to stay. I have few things so it will not take me long to be ready. We will get you clothes and personal stuff after we settle somewhere else. I have grown tired of this place anyway. We need to be in a big city to escape attention, but it is vile here. Even for one such as I. I want to move south. Do you have any place you have always wanted to go to?"

I didn't have to think long, I knew exactly where I wanted to go.

" New Orleans! I have always dreamed of New Orleans. The French Quarter, I want to walk through the Garden District and look at the old houses on St. Charles Avenue. When I was a a little girl I had a book with pictures in it that had belonged to my mother. I used to sit and dream about being a fine southern lady and living in a huge old house on St Charles. I wanted a big beautiful rose garden and weeping willow trees in the yard. I would sit in my room and go there in my mind when my dad would drink. It was my safe place."

I liked that I could still enjoy the memory of that. I didn't know how I would feel now no longer being mortal. It was nice to still want to go there and have my dream.

Justine was smiling at me as she knew my thoughts. She was sharing my dream and enjoying the idea too. We would go to New Orleans.

I thought of leaving this place behind, finally leaving. I had wanted away from here for so long. I never had enough money to get away. I would love to go to Miles and get back the money he had taken from me the last three years. I turned to look at Justine as she was putting her things together. She turned to me when she felt my gaze. I didn't have to say anything, she nodded her head yes when I looked at her. I wondered if I was strong enough to repay him for the last three years of hell he had put me through. I would face him unafraid for the first time. He had beaten me so many times and had his way with me so many times in that three years, I had lost count. I wondered what it would be like to face him and not be afraid. I would soon see. Justine looked around the room to make sure she had everything as she spoke to me."I have my things together Caroline. When you are ready to go I am ready."

I'm ready. I have never been so ready in my life." I smiled as we went to the door and I took the first step out into the night. The first step of my new life.

-I had an imaginary playmate who bullied me constantly until I shoved him into the lake and held his head under. When the bubbles stopped I felt immensely relieved. The bastard had been making my life hell for years.
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