I thought I might open a thread like this to get some input and as a general area for ideas that people might want either added or changed.
I have been thinking about a clan rewards system for the BG lineage points as it keeps track of the total amount .
The idea was having a clan item vendor in clan hall
you would use your lineage points earned with your clan to buy items of varying levels of usefulness and power. Lets be honest, we all would like some way to get that extra 1 or 2 dam to give us that very small but very important edge.
The vendor would sell items something like this
Clan potions with varying effects
+hit potions of varying levels
+dam potions of varying levels
( more can be added )
Clan items
Items that would promote newbie activity in BGs so that rather than have justis run for the claws of typh or quartz gear, they can purchase it themselves after a week or so of activity in a BG
The idea of a single clan item slot, or token slot
This token could range from giving your basic hit dam, to more ac, maybe a new type of clan specific shield, an permanent aura, ect ect
Clan Anklets
Clan auras
Clan tokens
the items list is literally so expansive that it needs to be further discussed if this is something that players and admin feel like they would want in game.
If you guys could post your criticism as well as ideas to expand on this it would be great!
New content and slight tweaks
Moderator: Azazel
Re: New content and slight tweaks
i like this idea. this will encourage individuals in smaller clans to participate in bg.
another idea for reward is to have bg gear that is on timer, similar to some magical eq, but can be recharged with lineage points-or requires however many lineage points earned in prior week to equip. this way there is still incentive for players to return to bg after theyve acquired all their eq.
another idea for reward is to have bg gear that is on timer, similar to some magical eq, but can be recharged with lineage points-or requires however many lineage points earned in prior week to equip. this way there is still incentive for players to return to bg after theyve acquired all their eq.
Re: New content and slight tweaks
I think that people under a certain size that go to a hall thats bigger than they are to just win the bg should be hindered from doing so for example if a clannie goes in who is smaller than 14 in golden for example they get half lineage perhaps? or just some random point where you know they cant' survive