Mordor area

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[Directions Mordor]

The entrance to Saurons tower.

The third floor.

The plains.

The fifth floor.

The base of Sarumans tower.

The orc camp.

The dark tunnel

The fourth floor.

The camp.

The plains of Mordor

Near a lake.

The tunnel entrance.

Nearer a lake.

The first floor.

The start of a forest.

Sauron's room.

The long trail.

The top floor.

The second floor.

The dark tunnel.

The party of three.

The forest.

The forest

Before the tower.

Shelob's lair

By a lake.

A dark tunnel.

Dead end.

The dark land of Mordor.

The end of the trail.

A path

The hideout cave.

A large clearing

The antechamber.

Sarumans work room.